Selected Writings of Jorge Ottaviano

Selected by David Miller

Following selectionfrom. Live Sketch 1993

From page 90

All the things I went through I did it go make myself stronger and to learn about myself.

Sleeping on hillsides,in the woods,on rooftops, on church porches, by the river,in the desert,by the highway,near the ocean -with my sleeping bag in hand,my constant companion and the only thing to depend on in the end, when the long day(or night) was over-the late – night reading under streetlamps, in quiet (and noisy) cafes, in the lounges of libraries, along with solitary walks in the daytime, and long meditation at night before going to bed- all of these, mixed in with agree deal of stargazing and nature loving- made me feel that I was growing stronger for the challenges up ahead, be they whatever they may. This was all part of my life, this was the big picture of what I then was.

Followig selection from

Life Sketch page 10

The general picture of my life has remained the same through the years. I have pretty much followed my initial vision of dropping out and going my own way, the same as I had when I was seventeen years old.